Home (English not yet fully transfered; use ALSFX Archives.)
Note: Menu doesn't work properly in English (You may use French one).

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Lake Saint-François-Xavier's Friends 

Nurse at Monfort Pav

9:30-11:30, Tues, Feb 11

Bulletin board

Indicators MRC Pd'H

Pop increase 2021-41, W-N

Other files

Population Projection

Napoleon's cap

Valentine’s Day café

Thursday, Feb 13th, 1 pm
Guitarist/singer, Montfort pavilion, Diana: 226-1980

4th Annual Snow Golf Tournament

Sat, March 8., 514 690-3147 richard@bocar.ca

Budget 2025, PTI, taxes

Laurel tomorrow?

Traversée des Laurentides

Public consultation

A toolbox for lakes

A Laurentian journey

discovery walk

P'tit train du Nord
interactive map

The Orphans' Trail (map)

Roads condition

Check the desired options


Welcome to Lake St. Francois-Xavier Friends' website!

LSfX Friends' Calendar


Press your F5 key if your calendar doesn't show.

MRC's calendar 

Suscribe to our mailing list: 

       Your e-mail is enough!



This site, associated with Lake Saint-François-Xavier and private until further notice, takes over the topics of the former site of the Lake Association.  One of its goals is therefore to make available, especially to the residents of Montfort/Newaygo, content that had been broadcast on the latter. The site also looks to perpetuate the vocation of communication and information carried by its predecessor. 

Migrating to a modern version of the web builder software TOWeb, as well as the move to a new websites host, imposes certain changes, as to readdress the links related to the old Web host. In addition, all the English translation has to be recopied. However, you may find copies of many pages (French or English) in the Archives. We are sorry for the inconveniences brought through this process.
The Association members had a code access to certain reserved pages (M). (Contact us to see if you can get this code. It still allows the visitor to navigate for one hour.) Other topics could also be restricted.

Create a shortcut on your desktop

Under Windows
1. be on the home page of the website of the Association, in the chosen language.
2. click on the URL address of the site, at the top, to copy.
3. show your desktop and right click on an empty space.
4. click on new and then shortcut.
5 then paste the address copied in the window that appears.
6. don't worry about the command 'Browse', but click on "next".
7. give a name to your new shortcut, e.g.: ALSFX
8. click on "Finish".

Note: This method is an alternative to the usual way to create such a shortcut using a right click on the home page; the latter being not yet failed, for reasons of legal security to clarify.


Dissemination, the information is placed into different sections, according to their content: News, press releases, newsletters & reports, etc. Eventually, some will be destroyed or reclassified under the headings appropriate to their theme: records, Montfort, the Association, photo Album, etc.

Important phone numbers

Firemen, municipalities, etc.

Comments (out-of-use)

We would like to hear from you.  You will note that your full name and e-mail address are also required. Nothing will be published.
Note: This operation completed or interrupted, you would have to wait a minute before trying again.

 municipal services

Carl Chapdelaine

  • B. A. of Arts; M.A. Geography (Regional Development), Univ. of Mtl.
  • National Atlas of Canada, Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, Ottawa.
  • Conseil régional de développement des Cantons-de-l’Est (CRDCE), Sherbrooke.
  • Dept. Regional Economic Expansion (DREE), Val-d'Or. -> Regional Industrial Expansion (DRIE), Montreal. -> Dept. Industry, Science and Technology (DIST), Montreal.


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