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The arts in Wentworth-Nord

On the occasion of political assemblies of the recent municipal election campaign, some have questioned candidates on the place they were going to give to the arts in Wentworth-Nord. Their statement was to the effect that this essential component of the cultural life of the city deserved more attention.
It is commendable that brave members of the public have already devoted their efforts and talents to develop and feed the presentation of the painters of the community for example, or to extend access to books by creating a little free libraries network. Municipal authorities gave to painters and related artists a few places of exhibition, as the art gallery of Montfort, which enabled the development of these arts and knowledge of local artists. (The "Short-lived stations" project, at the Aerobic Corridor, has just seen the winners designated:  ).
But where are, among other things, small choirs or orchestras who once had to brighten up the religious celebrations, even in the smallest parishes? It is not here to have as a first goal to consider a regional group which would perform on various public stages, even if such an end is not to be excluded, but to offer fans the opportunity to learn and engage in practices that benefit to the cultural wealth of a society. Should we subscribe exclusively to the new culture, with its yoga and other exotic practices at the expense of conventional values and of our traditional repertoire?
We can see that one of the activities, say social, which engage at least once a year several residents of the municipality organized in associations, is the discussion of the questions generated by the presence of the Lakes. But while this activity may occasionally arouse as much dissension as consensus, artistic activity is more likely to bring together citizens who are sometimes otherwise divided by the sense of belonging to a specific community among other things. In this sense, the development of cultural or social group, like the choir, or activities for the observation of birds, picking mushrooms, horticulture, the summer regatta, hockey, pot lucks, etc., is of a particular importance.
But it takes a trigger for the development of such activities of sometimes very real potential. And, as with any non-profit collective activity, altruism and volunteerism, ideally combined with a personal interest of those who are able to introduce them, become also a prerequisite. City officials attached to these areas also have their role to play to encourage their emergence and their sustainability.
The Montfort of the past, that many residents of today know little about, must have been very different. The presence of the orphanage, the raison d'être of the village, was already a source of social life and culture. Theater plays would be put-up; there was the cinema on weekends and other representations where could appear artists of the time. As its population fell, a part of social life and cultural activities of Montfort seemed to have run away with the disappearance of this institution.
Can we dream relive the reality of the past and talk of a cultural life? Or is the vocation of a reserved resort for the Montfort sector condemns it to an atrophied economic, social and cultural life, attached to its neighboring and more prosperous villages of the Pays-d’en-Haut?
With the use of Microsoft Translator                                                                    

Carl Chapdelaine

Environment: convince or impose?

For a member of an association of protection of lake or of its board of directors, the issue in title may arise, as was the case in the ALSFX under former administrations. To us, the municipalities seem to favour the creation and enforcement of regulations; it is in the logic of their administration. But this is not the case of all governmental authorities, namely Transport Canada, with its jurisdiction over navigation.
It is at the occasion of the mention, by Coalition Navigation, of the results of a survey from ERIN on the residents of the Muskoka region and answered by 3 291 responses, that the issue came back to our mind. "On one hand, the SQL survey demonstrated the polarization that stems from the voluntary codes of conduct prescribed by Transport Canada.  To this effect 45% said they are in favour of more regulations while 31% are against.  On greater enforcement, nearly half, or 49%, are in favour of more enforcement and 30% are against.  This data confirms the Coalition’s contention that the voluntary codes of conduct are formulae for an impasse."* The choice of Transport Canada to focus on voluntary codes of conduct rather than on the imposition of regulations for navigation explain the difficulty of the Coalition or any Lake protection association to see established any federal regulation they deem essential to that protection.
But the survey also showed that the percentages of for and against, and therefore of opinions, differed according to the situations and issues. The Coalition also notes that, as it claims in its crusade against the abuses from the motorized navigation, rules based on scientific data are more easily accepted and respected. It can so better justify its investment in the scientific analysis of the environmental impacts of these abuses.
The case that we had brought concerning this interrogation to the former Executive of our association of Lake had been reported by the captain of the Sixteen Islands Lake shuttle, operated by the Coop des 4 Pôles. Subject to the new rules of revegetation of the banks, a border lake resident, personally well off and particularly recalcitrant, preferred to pay the fine rather than comply with the regulation. A member of a group for the protection of the Lake suggested a meeting with the owner. Around a table, with a cup of coffee in hand, the discussion was able to convince the recalcitrant of the adequacy of the by-law and he finally accepted to comply with.
But if some have made their choice in this dilemma, it remains unsolvable for others. "Better to convince than impose! », do we often hear. And the opposite often leads to confrontation. In fact, this first choice is often the prelude to the option of last resort of an administration that is, of course, the constraint. If the persuasion can convince a large majority of the population, it is already this proportion in less to subject to the constraint. Resistance to comply with a directive from the authorities occasionally can also mean that the directive is itself debatable or exceptionally inapplicable. And a group must already have powers of coercion in the implementation of any measure. It is, for example, only through a third party, namely a government administration, that an association for the protection of Lake could impose a restriction on the usage of the Lake that it deems essential to its environment. Information, education and persuasion are thus among its first, or even its only combat arms.                                                                                                         

*Coalition newsletter for November 2017 

     Carl Chapdelaine

With the use of Microsoft Translator

La journée des bénévoles

Q.: Que pensez-vous de la journée des bénévoles? Carl C.
R. : Samedi le 21 avril, c'était la soirée des bénévoles organisée par la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord à la Base de plein air Perce-Neige, entre Laurel et Saint-Michel. On m'avait téléphoné à mon domicile montréalais pour m'y inviter et c'était une première pour moi. Ce jour-là, j'allais précisément à une réunion avec mes collègues de l'exécutif de notre association à Montfort; tous des bénévoles comme moi… Mais je n'annonçai pas l'événement, craignant d'usurper le rôle de la municipalité à cet effet.
Mon étonnement fut grand de découvrir là cette importante base de plein air. Je saluai plusieurs conseillers municipaux déjà arrivés dans la salle, Mme Bélanger, la directrice générale, et M. Lord. Puis, de Montfort, débarquèrent également plusieurs des amis que je crois m'y être faits, mais que je n'y attendais pas, et M. le maire Genest. Cette soirée, commencée par le cocktail et le souper du type cabane à sucre, s'annonçait agréable et elle le fut.
La directrice avait travaillé d'arrache-pied à l'organisation de cet événement; le maire le souligna. Elle et tous ceux qui nous recevaient furent aux petits soins avec nous. M. Genest allait attendre à plus tard avant de faire l'éloge du bénévolat et des bénévoles. Était-ce la douceur du sirop d'érable ou la gentillesse de tous, ceux que l'on fêtait n'avaient qu'à s'y laisser dorloter.
Ce n'est que sur le chemin du retour que je commençai à réfléchir sur ce que je venais de vivre. Mon invitation semblait répondre à ma participation, au nom de l'Association peut-être, à cette journée de revitalisation de la rive du lac, au Pavillon de Montfort, l'été précédent. Dans mon esprit, tous mes collègues, comme ceux des nombreuses associations de lac ou autres qui œuvrent dans la municipalité, étaient aussi des bénévoles dévoués au mieux-être de notre collectivité. Je suis sûr que le maire y a fait allusion dans son discours. Un si bel événement n'était pourtant pas sans me souligner certaines lacunes et problèmes qui nous divisent au lieu de nous rassembler, la langue, la politique peut-être, les conflits, les intérêts divergents, tous conflits que l'on ne connaît pas aussi intiment dans l'anonymat des grands centres urbains…
L'été dernier j'avais pris le même chemin, mais jusqu'au lac Louisa; il y avait la «Journée des envahisseurs», organisée par la municipalité de Wentworth, des associations locales de lac et autres. Mais là, francophones et anglophones semblaient ne faire qu'un seul bloc; j'avais même interrogé quelques personnes sur cette agréable surprise. De retour à ma soirée, on m'avait demandé si l'Association organiserait un pot luck cette année, et l'on regrettait le temps, pas si lointain, où les résidents se rencontraient au magasin, maintenant disparu, de Newaygo ou à des fêtes spéciales. Nous avons bien quelque chose en vue pour cet été, mais de type différent et dont le responsable vous parlera prochainement.
Au départ de la base, le ventre plein, ma boîte de sirop de l'érablière Laurel et une carte de remerciement à la main, ma journée de bénévolat de l'été dernier, déjà coupée d'un repas de saucisses de Montfort et autres gâteries, venaient de perdre son statut; c'était là être bien rémunéré… Heureusement qu'avec mes collègues et tous les autres, j'avais eu quelques journées de plus à offrir.
Carl. C


Q.: Que pensez-vous du service d'Hydro-Québec dans le secteur du lac Saint-François-Xavier? Carl Chapdelaine
R.: Un arbre est tombé sur le fil qui conduit l'électricité à mon chalet, déraciné par de forts vents vers le 20 octobre. J'ai immédiatement demandé conseil à l'un de mes voisins toujours prêt à dépanner et il m'a offert d'y jeter un coup-d'oeil. Mais avant de le voir arriver, un autre m'avait dit qu'Hydro s'occupait de cela. J'ai immédiatement communiqué avec eux, en leur expliquant que je n'avais pas d'accès par route, qu'il fallait venir en bateau. Pas de problème; ils en avaient vu d'autres.
Ils sont finalement venus le 10 décembre, par le sentier; ouf! J'avais dû les rappeler à plusieurs occasions et finalement suggérer à leurs émondeurs de ne plus tenter de venir par voie d'eau, la glace étant apparue. Ils m'avaient signalé qu'un hors-bord aurait dû venir de ...Saint-Jovite! Conclusion: ne soyez pas patient; occupez-vous-en activement!
Carl Chapdelaine
